A Blossom of pinkness for blossom. .

Tuesday, 15 March 2011


I thought i would write a small piece on Rituals and seek what O/others thought of these and if T/they had requested or undertook these.

There are many rituals during our everyday life, things we automatically do whether its in the house or during work, and some of these make us feel comfortable and in control of our lives. Do we say the same thing when it comes to rituals with a bdsm slant.

When i was with my previous Master i undertook rituals that He had set for me and i found these a joy to do given that W/we were in a long distance relationship, and completing these gave me a sense of closeness to Him, kept me focused on O/our relationship, gave me a sense of belonging.

These weren't major things, they were small things that were important between us. For example: Undertaking my chant first thing in the morning whilst kneeling, i wore an everyday collar but had to have my leather collar on me at all times, when He came online i had to greet him in a certain manner, usually naked and collared, lowering my eyes whilst on cam. I loved having these small rituals private to us, no one else aware of what was happening, special times.

These small rituals and there were others, but these started off during my training until they became automatic and fluid. But each time i completed a ritual over the years W/we were together i still got the same sense of pleasure knowing that i was making Him happy and strenthening the bond between U/us.

How do O/others feel about rituals? Do you see any point in having them? What type of rituals did you carry out?

For me they were a very important part of me and i miss those small things terribly.


  1. I love rituals! Without them I feel off balance, like all is not right with the world, something is missing. My rituals are more daily actions... like it's a ritual in the morning for me to get up, make Andrew some breakfast, and get his lunch together, and see him off to work. For nearly two weeks this ritual was thrown off because he was on vacation so we'd get up together still, but the whole rest of it was totally thrown off and it all felt wrong. So, I think rituals for me are important, the help to center me, and it doesn't matter what the ritual is, it just needs to exist and be consistently carried out.

  2. Hi Alice

    im glad that you enjoy these as well, no matter whether its in our vanilla or bdsm world, they can all be undertaken with their own underlying meaning to us which help keeps us grounded and a sense of belonging because we are doing something that makes them happy.

    blossom xx

  3. I think some subs find rituals very helpful and supportive. I have always had regular tasks for my subs to carry out. I never thought of them as "rituals" but perhaps that is what they were.

    P xx

  4. Hello Sir, i would say there are tasks as well, e.g. i would have had to take a picture of myself in a certain position with a certain newspaper to show it was recent and send it to him, to me that would be classed as a task and not a ritual, so to me there are both 'rituals' and 'tasks'.

    blossom xx

  5. I was thinking of tasks that they were expected to carry out on a daily basis. For instance I have expected a sub to kneel for me daily and repeat a mantra that we have agreed.

    Doe the fact that the task is repeated daily turn it into a ritual - or is there a state of mind involved too?

    P xx
