A Blossom of pinkness for blossom. .

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Slave Registry

As am sure some of ones readers have had their Master register them as their slave...just recently Master noticed that the there was a notice up saying that the prior owner had abandoned the site.  It has now been taken over by LovingNcMaster and BrutalPassion.com to ensure Master/slave couples still have access to their slave registrations from the last 15+ years.... http://slaveregistry.com/

Master had this girl re-register her number to ensure that her number would not be issued to any new slaves being registered, it states that you have until 9/15/17 to do so but one was able to do hers last night...so just thought that some of you who may not be aware of this would wish to do the same.

had to remove the barcode beneath ones slave number otherwise one couldnt publish ones post.

Certificate of Registration

This certificate certifies that on the 10th day of April 2012
desiree was issued slave registration number 931-511-504
and identifies as a Owned Slave.

On the 18th day of October 2017 it was further declared that
931-511-504 has been owned by Master William
since the 31st day of December 2011.

    SLRN 931-511-504